Mission Statement

Tomb Raider 2013 rekindled my love for video games. Playing as my childhood heroine at a time I needed to regain self-confidence, I embodied her unwavering resilience and was reminded of my own. What I love about video games the most is how they create safe environments for players to develop problem solving skills and overcome obstacles.

By presenting players meaningful objectives and creative opportunities to master their abilities, I design adventures that empower players to prove to themselves what they’re capable of.

I feel most creative when composing music, a deep connection with others when traveling and powerful when training in martial arts. These activities inspire how I design gameplay with players’ sense of autonomy, relatedness and competence in mind to keep them motivated and engaged.

I lead stakeholder workshops on UX research findings to ideate mechanic updates that make players feel more autonomous and in control. I develop mechanic onboarding plans outlining how mechanics are introduced to ensure players feel competent in mastering their abilities. I provide clear feedback for players during combat to help them relate their actions to their enemies and environment to prove how strong they’ve become.

One day I picture myself working with some of my closest friends, endlessly proud of the inspiring art they create.

We’ll be from different cultures and walks of life, unified by our shared goal of designing imaginative and thought provoking games. Eventually, we’ll run our own game dev studio that would not only publish games, but also educate aspiring game developers through courses, mentorships and apprenticeships.

Allyson Frazier